— 35,000 SQM Cultural Institution dream work
A 35,000 Sqm space devoted to culture, Kanal – Centre Pompidou, opened its doors in May 2018 to allow the public to discover an exceptional cultural heritage hosting several exhibitions mixing visual arts, design, architecture, performances and major installations.
Inspired by the origins of the location and the mix of artistic expressions, we’ve created an identity system fusioning Artist/Experiment/Culture & Industry. For us, merging content and identity was a goal. We wanted artists, exhibits and Kanal to feel and communicate as one.
Two types of signage formats were devised : the directional & situasionists were big and bold while the artworks information boards were inspired by office corporate design. Like a reminder of the former factory & office state of Kanal Centre Pompidou.
Two books have been released. We designed them as traces of a past. The first one was printed before the opening with pictures we took from the state of the location before exhibitions were installed, the second one as a trace of the exhibition, showing a year of creation at Kanal Centre Pompidou.